Teman-KU, Azlina.

Kawan Sejati-KU, Nabilah.

This is my new hairstyle.
Still smiling.
Heyloo people.Quite some tyme i didnt post a single thing.Well, today i will.A long one, i think.210509,Woahh, i was busy at TAPAC on that dayy.Ermm, Tanjong Pagar.I was also busy preparing things for someone birthdayy.I was wraping and writing thingss.Return home at about, 11.30pm?Yeahh.220509,Okeyhh, busy planning what to do for that surprise thingyy.1, 2, 3....Happy Birthday NABILAH!I love youu.Remember, you are 13 and i know im still 12.Still one small kid.Not grown upp.So sadd.Still have a long way to waitt.Nevermindd.However,that day was my bad day too.WTH?Grrr, lets not talk bout my bad dayy.):230509,Im at Malay Heritage Centre.Reach there at 11am.Get ready for performance.OMG!We did crap! Yess, we did CRAP!Kak Irah class, get ready for scoldings on next Saturday.Sorry Kak Irah.We did our best.):240509,Im probably at TAPAC againn.Actually, i dun knoww.I dun knoww why Im so quite and not active like i do.OMG!Things are, NOT awesome thesee dayss.Sadd, sadd.Ps: Adibah, tngah geram niee...!!250509,Today!I hate Todayy.Why must this happen todayy?Okeyh, nothing much to say bout todayy.So sadd,Boyy, chill eh?Takmo sad, sad..And youu!Shut Up uhh.Dun act like you were not the one!Come onn, Im not as stupid as u think i amm.Oh ya, one more.Girl, you are soo good at that.Trust me, he is hot.But, hotter for youu.Go take a look at his face.Take hym.Then, do wadever you want to do.Okeyhh?Jangan menyusahkan aku luhh.
Aku tanak kau dalam hidop aku.
Kalau setakat nak menyaketkan hati aku then, two words,
Bye,oopss, i forgott.Happy Birthday ADIBAH, in advance.I love youu.Thanks for your listening ear.I always go to you to let go my anger.And, i will always do that.Coz, u dun mind.Hhahaha.Errmm, you are so sweet.I mean, u and Far.......something. (:Last Long.Remember this, I LOVE YOUU.
Weeheeee, 200509, Wednesday, 2.28.32 Wo Ai Ni.Im back to the old dayss.200409, those dayss. A new Chapter, A new Beginning. This is super perfect, please dont go.
Aziee, please wait.Now me, later youu.Lets hope, together..Dont worry, ill help with his help.Okeyhh?Maafkan Farah, Im away.
Hellllohh.Im so, tired.Tired of laughingg..Me and Aziee was in the library and went to have "RESEARCH".Easy Researchh.On, everybody..And, me!Cinta Luar Biasa!
Wakakakka!!Ok, ok.Im like, happy?Idk,Received msg from Black Bag.Weeeheee..LOL.Ok, sssshh.Aziee, pleaese keep it sealed.I beg you okeyhh?Awww, I LOVE YOUU.(:Wo Ai Ni.Saya cinta kamu.I love youu.*Cinta Luar Biasa!
Yellllowww!!Just came back frm ws.Hhehehe.Had not really fun.I dun knww..Met my SIGLAP friends, didnt say Hi or Hello.So saddd..Im super geram!!!!Aiyaaaaaaa!!Do i love youu?
I love u kakak!
Thank you!
Shes a good hair stylist.
Yeah mann.
She cut my hair yesterday.
She trimmed my hair yesterday.
She ironed my hair yesterday.
And, she cut my fringe, BANGS?!
Ok, good.
Now, my hair is short and straight and thin.
Wait, wait..Got one more storyy.
Yesterday, went i came back frm TAPAC,
Abg Fitri, Abg Bahren, Abg Kimo and Kakak was enjoying this video at the computer,
and so, i joined them.
Watched things that is scary..
kk, aaha!
Then, i was kinda scared, but after that they change the video to the fuhney ones, so we will not be scared. Haah!
kk, then..
I didnt post for a few dayss uhh.
I was super buzzyy.
Hehe, kk.
On, Saturday went to SW then, dance, dance and dance.
Then went to TAPAC then, act, act and act.
The next day, on Sunday went to TAPAC again and act, act and act.
Ends at 10pm.
We waited for Abg Amy to finish his, "meeting".
Then, he told us that this particular place in Singapore has alott of....................something
WEIRDDD.So, he told me and bro to be careful.
But rather go out with friends than staying at home.
Planning to go out, but......i dun knw.
See first.
If go out, dun knw where to go.
But, we can find a place to go!
Ok, ok....
Today had, Maths Paper2.I can do uhh. But not sure if passs.Hope pass.Ms Tan doesnt follow exam rules..... (:Shazmeera knows. (:Then, went to WS wif Wini for some reason.Then, walk2.Print photo!!!! Ohh, i love those picturesss.. (:Wini, sssshh. Elsa also!Keep ur lips sealed.Then, waited for Laughing Gas, didnt come.Ass youhh!Bbye, go home.Then, otw down, met this person at Customer Service.Tease, tease, thenLaugh, laughhK, shut up! Damn fuhneyy.Shhhhh.You, takmo nk bobal bnyak pat sini.Kau peyh pasal tau tak?You again!How many times must bother my life, especially ,my friend.Grrr, stfu okk?(:
Weeeeeeeee,I hate you ppl.Asl ko kene chat nan kawan aku uh?Ko nak rosak kan persahabatan kiter agy per siiah?Kan, skarang dah salah paham agy!!!!GGrrrr!!Gy mampos uh kauu.Tak gunerrr!!!Aziee, u misunderstand again. Gosshh! Oteeyh, u must be saying, im acting.Ggrrrr, i hate hymm!Sorry uh, tak nk maafkan pon takperhh.
Eh, kau takmo nak menyebok lam hidop aku bleyh?Buat menyemak jerhh.Kau KAY POH tau takk?So the busy body.Like as if, u were the only one who know hym.Woaaaahh!Da luh ehh....GET LOST!I hate you so much. Dont bother my life anymore can?
Weee,today had my English Paper 2 and Homec.English was ok, Homec was horrible.Grrrr!Then, went to ws to meet my bro Gigs and friends.Then, reach there...I was the only one from PRCS.kkay, as per usual...Laugh, laugh, and laugh.Hoho!kk, today librarian didnt chase us out.Apit, Fendi, Gigs and me went to buy ice-cream.Eat, and i went to buy styrofoam at POPULAR.Then, Apit baek uhh!Hahaha!Kk, shut up! Hoho!Had loads of fun wif, Apit, Jazzz, Jo, Fendi, Gigs, Saufi and Firdaus.Oh, and Siti Nurul.But she went to meet her mataer half-way.Jazzzz, u change watch wif me?AMANAH! Take care of it. (:Then went home, took bus number 358 the west loop. Fun pahh?!Then, Apit, Jo,Fendi go another way!Go sedot perhh?Makk!I hate yoou. ):Wait, I saw Black.Fendi asked batang frm hym and friends.Please stop sedot seyh. Farah tak suker.
Im sick of you.You always blamed me bout the past.All that is past luhh.Pleasee.Now, u have wonderful life.So, go on with it.Dont talk bout past.You are just blaming everything to me.You purposely talk bout this so that you can win?Stop it.This story cannot end.So, i will end it.So yeah, IM WRONG.Okayy? FULLSTOP.I know this will happen again.
Helloh.Hehehe, i got nothing to say.But, today i went to Library.I saw alot of ppl.Especially, Siglapians.And so, my bro is there.Weehheee, sat wif hym.And, gelak ketawerr.Fido jady jibet? ahahaha!Fino jady aperhh siiah?Kk, takper..And, i walk and walk and walk in the library and saw that particular guy.I smiled and smiled.Tawu2, its Matin. Hahhaah!! I dun knw it was hym.Diff face.LOL.Lots of tyme kene scolding by that Librarian, which is a makcik.hahhaahakekekkk. In the library to study.We, laugh, laugh.Apit, Apit..........ish, ishh!kk,Bro Kimo and Abg Fitri, Kakak told me wad is Attoy oredy. LOL.We, sweetroom? I think. hahah!
Weirddddddd,I receive a letter.From, i dun knw who?Wrote things that make me feel, i dun knw.And, its the past.All about the past!Wth!!Please do not send me anymore letters without ur name. Grrrr, Please!
Today was, crazyy.I dun know how to explain.Its suppper, i dun know.Wow, i dun know!Really.kk, nehmind..lets talk bout last nite.I was chatting, blogging and chit-chatting on the phone.Weee, and playing games like..Black Magic, Whats Next? , and whatever wif...Bro's, Kakak and Abg Fitri.Actually, purposely play games to make things not obvious.Things like, bashing up that bestfriend of BAPOK.LOL. Kakak Fitriana, wait ehh.Few minutes later, we laughed and laughed and then i played the computer while watching,this scary movie, i dun knw.Then, tong..tong..tong until its 12am.And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Abang Fitri! May GOD bless you. Stop ur immatured acts, coz i believe u are so mature. Bapok isn't ur friend. Have a wonderful day ahead!Weee, cut cake......Eat, eat, eat and eat!Ice Creammm! Ice Creaaamm!Then, so tired uh..Good Nyte!
Monkey,i know that you dun knw who i am refering to.
But, i love u alot.
where are you? Miss old days.
WLVB,Weeheee, grreen jacket is.....no comment.
040708.Hope that day will come again.220109.Last long, Nabilah Jepon.200409.Miss those old days.
Helllo!Went to VIVO CITY just now!Weehee, went wif..My Bro Kimo.My Kak Masura.Abg Fitri. Or, Fitriana! ahaha!LOL.Went to put our legs in the so called, POOL.Weeheee.Then, go jalan2.Eat Ben & Jerry ice-cream.Then walk again..I love that BUILD A BEAR shop.(:Lastly, went to Changi.Go drink, COCOnut drink.While, disturbing Bapok!Abg FITRIANA, next tyme bring me if u want to disturb BAPOK. (Ur friend.)Remember, i still love you.
Yellow + Blue = GREEN!Black + Black = BLACK!Wo Ai Ni. I love you. Saya cinta kamu.
BLACK BAG!BEG HITAM!I saw you, u saw me. Smile, smile. weeheee.
That Girl Is an EXTRA!Segale-galenyer yg kau buat, sesungguhnyer tak betol.Minah buat hal MINAH.Extra! Extra! Extra!Shut Uppp!Want to complain?Go uhh, WOW so scared!I got brother in ur skewl.You dun knw rite?You will find out one day...LAUGH OUT LOUD at her!Tak sedar diri.Menyebok jerhh.Maner-maner aku pegy, kau luh yg muncul depan aku.And, its like.. WOW, so scary! Laugh, laugh, laugh!Bye crazy girl.You, takmo terase eh!
Wow!Wonderful Day!!!Exam was okeyh. Geography siiah.Stop it seyhh. Queastions all crazy2.Then, Pasir Putih....Here i come!Weeee,Saw that orang uhh.Dier uhh.Beg Hitam.Coool uh. Kawan dier so friendly. Aper uh?I dun knw his name..but, its ok.Eh, Black Bag same fan uhh.AVENGED SEVENFOLD!Weeheee, dok kat Macs jerhh.Bye, Farah nak gy library...Nak jumper Chimpanzee.My abg dah kat atas!Jom, kite sound.Weeheee..Caer uhh!LOL.Bro friend says,Ehh, kau jangan sesekali nak step besar dpn 'adeq' aku uhh.Baru kau tau aku 'abg' diier?Aku bilang kau, kau dah kacau salah org uh.Nak stare atas bawah.Kau pikir, kau bnyak peyh besar pehh.Kalau kau ckp 'adeq' aku tak lawa, kau pikir kau lawa sgt perhh.Aku make sure kau letak satu BIG FULLSTOP kat story kau ehh.Mate tak perlu, muker tak perlu.Benci uhh.Sesungguhnyer, perangai kau cam taikk.Yesterday, saw that boyy outside his skewl.I was freaking pissed.Cant change anything.I dont knw how to say.Hope he knows something.I miss you.Bye, i got to get over you.But, i cant.Boyy, im still loving youu. I cant get over you. Im sorry.
Weeheee, today MT exam.The paper was quite ok.
After doing paper, i was kinda crazy in class,I keep on saying crap things with Afrina.And the cool thing is, i talk during exam, and the tcher tak marah mann.Cool!Weeheee! Then, tak puas aty that girl.Woahh, Afrina fiercee syhh. Woahahhaha! Good, good!Pompan cam tu patot di STARE balekk.You, are working as the "TUKANG STARE"?Kental uhh.Kalo tukang stare boleh stare kat pasar luhh.I hate you so the alot. You sux. U are one idiot. Nak step. Takmo masok campur hal aku uh siiah.
Eh, peh siiah?Aku tak puas aty nan kau? Salah uhh. Patot, aper yg kau tak puas aty nan aku?Aku SUNDAL perh siiah? beh kau aperh siia?Takmo bobal WORLDD kat sini uhk.Aku kental?Panggil back up?Eh, dorang yg datang luh siiah!Bukan aku jerh yg kau stare...Orang laen pon kau stare.Kau pikir, kau peyh mater bnyak peyh cantek?Aku mulot becok?Eh, pasal luh?Jealous perh siiah!Aku kerek?Stop it siiah! Kau lgy kerek siiah!Minah maner tah sesat!Mepek bodoh.Tak tau pikir pakai otak per siiah!Tak pikir sbelum bobal.Kau luh minah yang paling WORLD dalam hidop aku.Minah2 laen pon tak cam kau siiah!Dah uh, malas aku nak bobal pasal kau.Aku hari2 nampak mukerh kau.Satu hari tak nampak, tak sah!Girl, u suck. U and ur friend, can go die. You are not needed in the world.
TPB!TPG!WLVB!WLPRCG!wth?wth?wth?IHY!mhbj, i love u mann.wth?no, no!i dun knw!Im confused!
kk, today...idk.
lets talk things that are happy.
sad story so alot. can make story book uhh.
Firstly, met Amirah!!!
Then, that Chimpanzeeee! wakaka!
Laugh in the library, lucky didnt got chased out.
well, all the way talking bout that idiotic Chimpanzee!
she sucks.
she is superrrrrrr skinny.
i hate her.
stare up down, like as if i care.
Wow! so scared!
kk, she likes to stare at ppl coz she never see human being before.
She only see MONKEY, KING KONG and all types of creature.
Masok library beh stare up down.
so KANCONG nvr see human before.
Her place is at JUNGLE not LIBRARY!
aku benci kau luh siiah. sebok pahal? kau? gth! ihy! ihy! ihy! ihy! ihy!
Wait! Wait!
There is one more thing!
This is all, in one situation!
Its happy, funney?
Yeah, things like dat.
Kk, firstly.
Met three guys which is currently studying in VS!
Woahh, so clever! wth?
Next, they acted like they were p4 when they are like so called 'big'.
Next, that
greeeen jacket guy!
Caerr perhh. Ketawer sampai terjatuh2.
Next, Mohd Hadi?
Oh LOL, ciner melayu?
nehi, nehi!
kk, then went out of that library.
Went down the escalator when suddenly an announcement came up.
Me, and Aziee laugh like being obsessed by that announcement.
we ended up laughing and laughing.
Well, it cures only
20% of the hurt.
Eh, kalau aku annoying, bleyh bilang per siiah? Penipu haram siiah! gy mamss uh kauu. ccb.da luh buat aku tgu braper minggu. Beh, tau2...kau happy2 ngn kawan kau...biler aku ngh merane. siiak!
Yelloww!Im superrrrrr duperrrr irritated today.School? Whitesand Library? Mac Donald?I am, happy and sad.DISSAPOINTED too.School..Nothing bad. All okeyh uhh.But still got no chance to tell her something.Whitesand Library..So mannnnnnny things!Idiot!Library is becoming more and more merepek.WTH?Need ez-link?What does it got to do wif the SWAIN FLU?!In there, so manny ppl. wth?That guy?! That school?! That same person?!Kk, I dont know, i dont care!Mac Donald..Met Ivy, Clara, Wini, Jazryll..Behind me was that, "Clever Boys"..Then, that idiotic guy appear all out of sudden.WTH?Ur reaction is seriously so not surprising.Go To Hell.You, and...................yuhyuh!kk, im tired! So, so tired talking bout things that hurt.Now, they can go die!Go to hell!Make us wait like for i dun knw how many weeks.Wasted our PRECIOUSSSSSSSS tyme!You, you, you, you, you and you, can make my and her life worser.So, like usual.We dont need destroyer!
Wellow! Lets talk about the......GREEN DAY!(: I was supposed to be at TWCC at 1pm.But, i went to Sri Warisan first.I reached TWCC at 6pm.Oh, i was superr late.But, yeahh.....I still perform. (:Songsss....lalalalalalalalalalala!During the break after one song, me and my HO friends were talking about 'school life'.(:It was unexpectable that some of her friends are my friends, and my friends are her friends..(: Coooooool.hahaha.After singing ALL songs, all the HO ppls in GREEN went to, EAT!So, we eat, eat, eat and EAT!Unfortunately, i met with this girl!She study in the same school as me, PRCS!She was suprised when she saw me.WTH?It was, Nabila Natasha.(:Then, she go msg her 'daughter'!WTH?kk, then....Im tired!Its late in the night.One, Two, Three!Close ur eyes and go to sleep!Goodnyte!
Phewwwww, i am so tired today.
Yesterday, spend the whole day at the beach.. (:
Decided to go to Sentosa. Ended up at Pasir Ris Beach.
Nehmind, its fun too.
Wooohhho. I think, im going to be fatter.
Yesterday, eat, eat, eat and eat!
Yum! Yum! Yum!
Today, sleep, sleep, sleep and sleep!
Btw, yesterday....me, Syafiqah, Syafiqah brother, Amirah and Azlina went to study.
First, we went to Macs. So full.
Then, KFC, we sat there and eat. While, 'gelak ketawer' abt sumthing.
Then, Macs again. We sat outside the Macs, and really2 start our study.
But, to say the truth..Im the only one among them studying. Wakakka!
Then, we ate ice-cream! It, melt, melt, melt and melt. Hoho!
Then, from there the joke starts.
Wanna knw wads the joke?
Go ask her urself.
Her skewl is at CSS. (NA)
Go find, then ask.
Kekek siiah!!!
WTH! When that joke comes up everybody wanna "step tak tau"! ahaha!
k uh, bye! nyahaha!
Dun forget ask her.